
Another great hair transplant result in DC by Dr. Lindsey | McLean | Virginia | MD

Another great hair transplant result in DC by Dr. Lindsey | McLean | Virginia | MD


Here we talk with a medical professional after his hair restoration by Dr. Lindsey.   He will tell you what to expect, whether we pulled any surprises, and if he had a lot of pain.  ALL things I’d want to know if I were getting surgery.

Fortunately, we have 70 or so of these patient testimonial videos….we could fool you if we had one or two, but it would be tough to talk 70 guys into lying on video.

Do your research, if the doctor you are looking at doesn’t have lots of pics, videos, and some testimonial videos that you believe…keep looking.  It is easy enough to post results online…if your doctor doesn’t, you must wonder why.  Are they just not interested, or do they have few good results to show.

The video is:



Dr. Lindsey

